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College English

Khanson's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Khanson's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Helicopter parenting is not as effective as allowing a child who has become a legal adult to become independent and rely on themselves. An independent adult compared to an overprotective adult, is better prepared for the world and college being that they had the priviledge to grow, make and learn from their mistakes, and have had the chance to cope in such an environment. Helicopter parenting promotes over-confidence, low basic work skills, and lack of abiltity and experience in children thus stunting a child to fully develop mentally and emotionally(Khadaroo 1). For example, a child with a helicopter parent who is used to having their parent do everything for them such as calling professors to alter a grade, will never learn how to handle a situation like the one presented. They may suffer from stress and being overwhelmed since they are amatuers to dealing with problems on their own, and are now required to cope on their own.

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